The story of this project began with John Magiro Wangari, a young Kenyan entrepreneur from Njumbi in Murang’a, who got an idea by seeing his neighbours using bicycles to charge their mobile phones. He imagined generating electricity based on the concept of the bicycle dynamo and powered by the local river. Thomas Poelmans from the Belgian company Hydrobox loved the concept and worked together to develop the first containerized hydro power plant in Murang'a county. This will produce and supply electricity to about 25.000 individuals.
The Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme aims at tackling the challenges that agricultural value chains face, by providing support to counties. For example, the provision of plant doctors in Nyandarua County will enhance productivity, market access and profitability of the sweet potato value chain.
Embassy of Belgium
Nicolas Nihon
Embassy of Belgium in Nairobi
Limuru Road, Muthaiga
P.O. Box 30 461 - 00100 Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya
visa section:
Tel. : +254 708 036 674